How to plan your dream trip based on your interests.

Traveling to France = Taking cheesy pictures in front of the Eiffel tower and buying a beret that native French people don’t even wear.

Traveling to Italy = Eat ungodly amounts of gelato and hopping around the colosseum.

Traveling to the Caribbean = Taking beach pics with your toes in the sand and posting them to Instagram four months later with the caption: “tAke mE bAck ✨😎⛱️🕶️✌🏻”


Here at Insignia Destinations, we obviously love travel. It provides you with an opportunity to create lasting memories, cultivate a deeper understanding of the world, and enrich your life with unique and meaningful experiences.

But sometimes, it can be very repetitive and routine.

Yes, the Eiffel tower is super cool, but what if instead you had the option to attend a cooking class hosted by a Michelin star chef?

Or what if traveled to the south of France, and went exploring abandoned castles, finishing off the day having dinner at a local winery and then going stargazing?

The typical activities most people do in a destination may not be things you and your travel buddies in particular would like to do, and that’s okay!

That’s why in this blog post, we’ll take you on a journey of self-discovery as we uncover the secret to planning your dream trip based on your interests.

From adrenaline-pumping fun for thrill-seekers to serene landscapes for nature enthusiasts, we’ll find out what in particular lights you up! Say goodbye to generic travel experiences – it's time to plan adventures as unique as you are.



Planning a trip can be an exciting and overwhelming experience. With so many destinations, activities, and travel options to choose from, it's easy to feel lost in the planning process. By tailoring your trip to your passions and preferences, you are not only ensuring that you have a great time but also making the most out of your travel experience. Here are some reasons why planning a trip based on your interests is crucial:


1. You get a personalized experience

When you plan a trip based on your interests, you are creating a personalized experience that caters specifically to you. It allows you to focus on what truly excites and inspires you rather than trying to fit into generic tourist activities or destinations.

For example, if you're an adventure junkie, planning a hiking and camping trip in the mountains would be more fulfilling than visiting museums or lounging at the beach. On the other hand, if art and culture are your passions, exploring galleries and historical sites would be more meaningful for you.

2. Saves time and money

Traveling can be expensive, both in terms of time and money. Planning a trip based on your interests helps eliminate unnecessary expenses by avoiding activities or places that don't align with your preferences.

Moreover, it saves time by focusing on specific locations or experiences rather than trying to cover everything in one go. This way, you can make the most out of each day without feeling overwhelmed or rushed.

3. More meaningful and fulfilling

When you engage in activities that you genuinely enjoy, it adds meaning and fulfillment to your trip. It allows you to connect with the destination on a deeper level and create lasting memories.

For instance, if you have a passion for wildlife, going on a safari tour or visiting a national park will be a much more enriching experience than just sightseeing in a city.

4. Opportunity for Learning!

Traveling is not just about seeing new places; it also provides an opportunity for learning. When you plan a trip based on your interests, you are more likely to engage in activities that teach you something new or broaden your perspective.

This could mean attending cooking classes if you love food, taking language lessons if you're interested in different cultures, or joining community service projects if giving back is important to you.

5. Creates Balance

Traveling can be physically and mentally exhausting, especially if you try to do too much or participate in activities that don't align with your interests. Planning a trip based on your passions helps create balance by allowing for downtime and self-care moments between exciting adventures.



Making a list of your top interests is an essential first step in planning your dream trip. Knowing what you are passionate about and what you enjoy doing will help determine the destinations, activities, and experiences that you should include in your itinerary. Here are some tips to help you create a comprehensive list of your top interests!

1.   Reflect on Your Hobbies and Passions

Take some time to think about the things that bring joy and excitement into your life. It could be anything from outdoor activities like hiking or skiing to cultural pursuits such as visiting museums or attending concerts. Write down all the hobbies and passions that come to mind.

2.  Consider Your Bucket List

Most of us have a bucket list of places we want to visit or experiences we want to have in our lifetime. Think about the items on your bucket list and add them to your interest list.

 3.  Think About Your Personality

Your personality plays a significant role in shaping your interests. Are you an adrenaline junkie who loves adventure? Or do you prefer quiet, relaxing vacations? Understanding your personality can help narrow down the types of activities and destinations that would best suit you.

 4.  Explore Different Types of Interests

Don't limit yourself to just one type of interest when creating this list. Consider different categories, such as food, history, art, nature, sports, and so on. This will give you a more diverse range of options when planning your trip.

 5.  Research Destinations That Align with Your Interests

Once  you have a list of your top interests, start researching destinations that offer opportunities to indulge in them. For example, if you love surfing, consider destinations like Hawaii, Bali, or Costa Rica. If you are a foodie, look into cities known for their cuisine such as Paris or Tokyo.

 6. Keep an Open Mind

While it's essential to have a list of interests to guide your planning process, it's also important to keep an open mind and be willing to try new things. You never know what incredible experiences you might discover along the way.

Having a list of your top interests will not only help you plan an exciting trip but also ensure that you make the most of your time and resources while traveling. So grab a pen and paper, and start brainstorming all the things you love! 📝


So, in a nutshell, planning your travel around stuff you actually like is like hitting the jackpot of vacations. Why endure a trip that feels like a blind date when you could be jet-setting to places that make your heart race with excitement?

Whether you're a beach bum, a history nerd, or just in it for the epic food, planning travel based on your interests is like creating a playlist for your soul – each destination a banger that leaves you wanting an encore 👏🏼

When that travel inspo hits you, and know exactly what you want to do and experience, we’re here to take the boring stuff off your hands and plan it all out for you.

….even if that includes taking cheesy pics in front of the Eiffel Tower 😉


Plan your dream trip based on your interests: Skiing!⛷️


How to get the non-traveler to travel.